The Future of Boryanabooks

Hits: 420
January 1, 2019 · Posted in Commentary 

With the death of Lionel Rolfe, the founder of Boryanabooks, on November 6, both the book publishing section and the monthly blog posting are currently on hold. The posts today, January 1, 2019, are the last. The website will stay up at least through early August 2020, so the years of existing posts will stay accessible. Boryanabooks, both the book publishing and website, are now the property of Lionel’s daughter, Hyla Douglas. She has not solidified any plans at this time for the future of the project.

Boryanabooks was created in 2009. Over those nine years it produced 14 books, all of them in ebook Kindle format, and most of them also in paper, through Amazon’s CreateSpace publishing service.

For this month for our last set of posts we are offering four chapters from Lionel Rolfe’s books. Novelist Umberto Tosi writes about his decades long friendship with Lionel. There are tributes by Linda Laroche from the Pasadena Weekly and from Mike Sonksen from the Cultural Weekly. There is also a last Honey column in our Notes from Above Ground section, this time on the road to San Francisco traced by early Spanish explorers. Honey van Blossom is the pen name of California Bay Area attorney Phyl van Ammers. And we have one more short piece by the late Katherine Hisako Glascock.


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