Edendale: Chapter 1

Hits: 759
November 1, 2010 · Posted in Edendale by Phyl M. Noir · Comments Off on Edendale: Chapter 1 

Photograph of Tom Mix’s “Mixville” courtesy of Mark Wanamaker, Director, Bison Archives, 650 North Bronson, Los Angeles 90004

Boyle Heights, The First Chapter Of The Important New Serial “Edendale”

By Phyl M. Noir

For the remainder of his life, Sam was to remember everything that happened during the war years as having happened at night during winter: the bare limbs of trees alongside roads that left skeletal shadows on snow in the moonlight, and the moon that was always full; the soldiers that marched on brittle feet sometimes 25 miles a day with heavy knapsacks on their backs; the men who died in the bleak darkness. Read more

Honey Talks About Experiments in urban design at Llano del Rio, the New Deal and Mao’s China

Hits: 233
November 1, 2010 · Posted in Notes from Above Ground · Comments Off on Honey Talks About Experiments in urban design at Llano del Rio, the New Deal and Mao’s China 


By Honey van Blossom

(Honey is a Belgian Marxist former strip-tease artiste.)

After the Southern Pacific Railroad reached Los Angeles, this city dispersed into formerly agricultural lands, subsidized by taxpayer dollars paid into street and highway development that enabled automobile users to live in the suburbs and to abandon downtown, by city government’s decision not to municipalize the once ubiquitous electric trolley, and by its decision to transport water from the Owens Valley into the San Fernando Valley. Read more

The Misadventures Of Ari Mendelsohn

Hits: 127
November 1, 2010 · Posted in Commentary · Comments Off on The Misadventures Of Ari Mendelsohn 


This is the first chapter from the picaresque novel by author and journalist LIONEL ROLFE, which recounts the sexual and political travails of the irascible, blacklisted title character, a reporter still harboring his besieged idealistic belief in humanity’s innate goodness and America’s dubious potential for good amid a reality of avarice, pragmatism, cynicism, and materialism. Read more