Lionel Rolfe Interviewed on KPFK on Anniversary of L.A. Times Bombing

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October 4, 2010 · Posted in Miscellany 

Lionel Rolfe spoke with KPFK’s Suzie Weisman on “Beneath the Surface” October 1, the hundredth anniversary of the famous bombing on the Los Angeles Times on that date in 1910. Rolfe is coauthor of Bread and Hyacinths , available in digital format through Boryanabooks, which deals with the bombing and the career of Los Angeles socialist Job Harriman. Rolfe’s interview was to promote the first project of  LATimesbomb, a multimedia event the night of his interview held at the Wordspace studio in the Atwater district of Los Angele. The event drew a standing room only crowd.

Listen here to Lionel’s interview



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