LA Times, LA Magazine, and LA Observed Feature Project for Film Based on Lionel Rolfe’s “Literary LA”

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July 1, 2013 · Posted in Commentary 

Tom Lutz, the founder and editor of the Los Angeles Review of Books and filmmaker Kurt Olerud have launched a Kickstarter fundraising project to produce a documentary feature film based on Lionel Rolfe’s Literary LA. , a feature documentary that “strives to capture the city’s literary soul in all of its complexity.” They are seeking $23,000 and plan to have the film feature such notables as Walter Mosely, Aimee Bender, Hector Tobar, Janet Fitch, Jerry Stahl, Rachel Kushner, Mike Davis, Steve Erickson.

The project has been written up in the LA Times, in LA Magazine, and in LA Observed. Check out the links to read more.

Lutz and Olerud in their announcement of the project write:

“Originally inspired by Lionel Rolfe’s pioneering and idiosyncratic survey of the city’s culture from its bohemian roots to the present day, Literary LA strives to capture the city’s literary soul in all of its complexity. . . .

“We have captured many of the various literary perspectives about this most diverse and in many ways still indefinable American city. Those who are native to the city, those who have come here from elsewhere in the country, and those who have immigrated from elsewhere in the world, who bring an even fresher perspective and who offer a window into this constantly shifting, ethnically diverse city. We cover a wide range of genres, including crime fiction (Raymond Chandler, James M. Cain), Hollywood fiction (Nathanael West), street realism (John Fante, Charles Bukowski) and, of course, the ever-present literature of the LA Apocalypse (too much to mention, unless you just say ‘all of it’).”



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