L.A. Review of Books Features Article on Lionel Rolfe

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February 1, 2018 · Posted in Commentary 

Lionel Rolfe

The January 10, 2018, issue of the Los Angeles Review of Books carries a lengthy sketch of journalist, author, and Boryanabooks founder Lionel Rolfe. Anthony Mostrom, under the title, “Lionel Rolfe and the Rise and Fall of the L.A. Coffee Houses,” begins:

“AUTHOR LIONEL ROLFE is a retired Los Angeles journalist who has written for nearly every newspaper and magazine that’s existed in or near the city in the last 50-plus years. Indeed, though a frequent traveler, Rolfe has never lived far outside of L.A. These days he lives in a small apartment in Atwater Village. He’s lived alone for almost a decade, since his third marriage ended in divorce. There were many women in his life, many friends and enemies, many loves and many hates.”

The full text can be found here:




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