KCET Interviews Lionel Rolfe on His New Book, “Ari Mendelsohn”

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March 1, 2013 · Posted in Commentary 

KCET’s Mike Songsen both reviews Lionel Rolfe’s new book, The Misadventures of Ari Mendelsohn, and interviews the author, along with some musings about a fatal shooting just outside Songsen’s door, in a February 22 column in KCET’s online feature Departures.

Songsen concludes that “The book is chock full of self-deprecating jokes, while still possessing life-affirming passages like his early days as a journalist in the Central Coast or his quirky romance with a Bulgarian woman. A hybrid of Rolfe’s earlier books, this new collection reads quickly. The blend of humor and pathos within were clearly cathartic for the author and paint a fascinating account of the last half Century in Los Angeles. ” For the full story, see http://www.kcet.org/socal/departures/landofsunshine/la-letters/to-live-and-die-in-la-lionel-rolfe-literary-los-angeles.html


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