Readers: Our Site Was Hacked

Hits: 156
September 1, 2011 · Posted in Commentary 

Boryanabooks readers: Our site was badly hacked a few weeks back: 49,000 spams and corruption of part of our operating system. We have wiped the old site and made a clean install. We are in the process of restoring  our backlist of commentary. Our catalog of Ebooks and other publications is back up now, along with the whole of Honey’s column, “Notes from Above Ground,”  from the beginning, and all the chapters of Phyl M. Noir’s serial novel Edendale. We are working on restoring earlier articles, and are ready to stay with you into the future. Because of the extreme hack, which came in through hackers’ attempts to plant spam in the site disguised as comments, we regretfully have had to turn off all comments from readers.


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