Honey tours the San Francisco Presidio

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December 1, 2018 · Posted in Notes from Above Ground · Comment 


By Honey van Blossom


(Honey is a Belgian Marxist former strip-tease artiste)

Juan Bautista de Anza (1736-1788) proposed the site of the San Francisco Presidio on March 28, 1776 at what is today a point near the entrance to the Golden Gate Bridge, near Fort Point.

This is about the location seen in Alfred Hitchcock’s 1957 film Vertigo, when Scottie saves Madeleine from the icy waters of the San Francisco Bay.

One hundred and eighty one years before Hitchcock made the film, Anza wrote: “I went to the narrowest opening made by the mouth of the port, where nobody had been before.  There I set up a cross, and at its foot I buried under the ground a notice of what I have seen…”[1]

The Anza expedition’s diarist Father Pedro Font wrote in his short diary:  “Ascending a small hill, we at once entered upon a very bare mesa of great extent, smooth, and inclining a little toward the port.  It must be about half a league wide and somewhat longer, and it keeps getting narrower until it ends right at the white cliff.  This mesa affords a most delightful view.  Indeed, from it one can see a large part of the harbor, its islands, the mouth of the port, and the sea as far as the eye can reach, even beyond the farallones.  The commander selected this mesa as the site of the new settlement and fort which was to be established at this port, for, being elevated, it is so commanding that from it the entrance to the mouth of the port can be defended with musket shots…”[2]  Read more

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