As Landfills Decay Here, Elsewhere In The World They’re Coping Better

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February 1, 2011 · Posted in Commentary · Comments Off on As Landfills Decay Here, Elsewhere In The World They’re Coping Better 


The United States is no longer the leader in waste disposal technology. Like many other technological advancements, the country finds itself behind nations like China, Japan and Germany. Considering the country’s current recession, both local governments and private businesses struggle to move forward in relieving the threat of pollution caused by landfills. In Southern California, the state’s largest facility, Puente Hills Landfill is closing, and the available land to take on the excess garbage is limited. This trend is indicative of what many communities throughout the nation are facing. This paper will study the different methods used in waste disposal, examine some of the most innovative strategies in other countries, and finally, analyze the crisis that California may be facing in the near future. Read more

VLADIMIR RODZIANKO: I Meet The Ghost Of The Real Rasputin

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February 1, 2011 · Posted in Commentary · Comments Off on VLADIMIR RODZIANKO: I Meet The Ghost Of The Real Rasputin 

By Lionel Rolfe

I first met Vladimir Rodzianko nearly 40 years ago. He lived in a house in Chiswick outside of London, where his father also lived, one of the most famous of Russian Orthodox priests. Father and son had the same name.

The elder Rodzianko had been born Vladimir Rodzianko in the Ukraine in 1915 and he had an amazing study where he did his work, so beloved by many in the Orthodox community. It was a small cubbyhole under the stairs and it was filled from floor to ceiling with icons. Rodzianko, who later went to San Francisco where he became His Grace the Right Reverend Bishop Basil Rodzianko in the Orthodox Church in America, at that time was the most prominent Russian Orthodox leader in England. This was in part because he broadcast religious commentary to his home country during the Cold War on the BBC, and it was probably no coincidence that the junior Vladimir became the Russian voice of the BBC in addition to being a composer of some notoriety. Read more

Honey Circles the Hathaway Gated Community

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February 1, 2011 · Posted in Notes from Above Ground · Comments Off on Honey Circles the Hathaway Gated Community 

By Honey van Blossom

(Honey is a Belgian Marxist former strip-tease artiste.)

Garbutt House looms impressively on its summit over Silver Lake.

It is listed in the National Register of Historic Places (1987) at 1809 Apex Ave. in Silver Lake.

Only 100 families and their visitors are allowed to get into the Hathaway Estate, so not that many people can see Garbutt House. Although the streets in it are owned by the City of Los Angeles, and the streets that lead into it are owned by the City of Los Angeles, the people of the City of Los Angeles aren’t allowed in. Read more

Edendale: Chapter 4

Hits: 200
February 1, 2011 · Posted in Edendale by Phyl M. Noir · Comments Off on Edendale: Chapter 4 

The Fourth Chapter Of “Edendale,” THE AVENUES By Phyl M. Noir


Ansel Adams photograph of the Santa Monica pier, courtesy of the Los Angeles Public Library

Phyl M. Noir

She was a big reader. Her stepfather Sam used to say “She’s always got her nose in a book.”

When she was older, Cyd would read in George Eliot’s Adam Bede that Arthur Donnithorne passed along a broad avenue of limes and beeches. “It was a still afternoon,” she would read. “The golden light was lingering languidly among the upper boughs.” She would imagine the limes in Adam Bede were citrus trees with green fruit because she had not yet been anywhere but Los Angeles and Santa Monica and didn’t know about the English trees. Read more