Edendale: Chapter 3

Hits: 223
January 1, 2011 · Posted in Edendale by Phyl M. Noir · Comments Off on Edendale: Chapter 3 

UNION STATION, 1947, Courtesy of Los Angeles Public Library

By Phyl M. Noir


This is the third chapter of “Edendale.”

Justina Anna put on the mouse suit she had worn at her wedding. She tied a black band around one arm of it.

She looked at herself in the mirror and pinned a black felt hat to her black hair with bobby pins and pulled the little net veil over her face. She put on white cotton gloves and lifted her suitcases by their bone handles, and walked down the green check carpeted hotel stairs.

The air was balmy, and the sky looked like light shooting off metal. Butterfly palms with orange fruit grew on each side of the hotel’s front doors. Red azaleas grew in the hotel yard. Mature water oaks cooled the street with their deep shade. Read more

Honey Climbs The Stairs Of Darkness

Hits: 494
January 1, 2011 · Posted in Notes from Above Ground · Comments Off on Honey Climbs The Stairs Of Darkness 

By Honey van Blossom

(Honey is a Belgian Marxist former strip-tease artiste.)

The term “the Commoners” derived from the ancient rights English peasants had in large areas of land called Commons to graze their animals, gather fire wood, and gather hay, and these rights are related to the common law right of all people to walk across privately owned land.

Between 1760 and 1820, village after village lost its common law rights. Marxists called these losses a case of class robbery. Henry VIII obtained laws that required any landless peasant to be put to work, and the consequent acts were the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and Capitalism. Read more