Lionel Rolfe Interviewed on KPFK on Anniversary of L.A. Times Bombing

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October 4, 2010 · Posted in Miscellany · Comments Off on Lionel Rolfe Interviewed on KPFK on Anniversary of L.A. Times Bombing 

Lionel Rolfe spoke with KPFK’s Suzie Weisman on “Beneath the Surface” October 1, the hundredth anniversary of the famous bombing on the Los Angeles Times on that date in 1910. Rolfe is coauthor of Bread and Hyacinths , available in digital format through Boryanabooks, which deals with the bombing and the career of Los Angeles socialist Job Harriman. Rolfe’s interview was to promote the first project of  LATimesbomb, a multimedia event the night of his interview held at the Wordspace studio in the Atwater district of Los Angele. The event drew a standing room only crowd.

Listen here to Lionel’s interview


Honey Begins Her Talk On John Dewey

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October 1, 2010 · Posted in Notes from Above Ground · Comments Off on Honey Begins Her Talk On John Dewey 

By Honey van Blossom

(Honey is a Belgian Marxist former strip-tease artiste.)

Every culture has a way of looking at the world. The people who live in a culture don’t know that there are other ways to look at the world but their own. People are like fish in the sea. We don’t know there are alternatives to the way we see things.

The American world-view – ideology — grew out of English history, and our legal system developed as a result of that history. The English people began with tribalism and primitive communism. Read more

A Blast On Broadway

Hits: 178
October 1, 2010 · Posted in Commentary · Comments Off on A Blast On Broadway 

By Lionel Rolfe, Nigey Lennon & Paul Greenstein

This is a chapter from “Bread And Hyacinths: The Rise and Fall of Utopian Los Angeles,” specifically about the bombing of the Los Angeles Times in 1910. The book is available on Amazon’s Kindle Store for iPhones, iPads, Kindles, personal computers and the like. The Times was demolished Oct. 1, 1910. This event of a century ago had a profound impact on Los Angeles and the entire country. So over the next year, Public Works Improvisational Theater is creating a series of collaborative arts projects with input from many artists. Through the singing of ballads, dramas, speeches, words, music and the visual arts, we want to bring that time back to people so they will understand the times we live in now. Thus, this Oct. 1, 2010, we will kick off our year long celebration with drama, literature and music at Wordspace in the Atwater District of Los Angeles at 3191 Casitas Avenue, unit 156, at 7:30 p.m. An exact date has not been established for an even larger event at the historic Alexandria Hotel in downtown Los Angeles, 501 S. Spring St. You can follow and communicate with us on Facebook at “TIMES BOMB” or at Read more

Lionel Rolfe Meets & Greets James Ellroy, The Best Living L.A. Writer

Hits: 437
October 1, 2010 · Posted in Miscellany · Comments Off on Lionel Rolfe Meets & Greets James Ellroy, The Best Living L.A. Writer 

Lionel Rolfe was introduced by mutual friends to James Ellroy, author of “American Tabloid” and “L.A. Confidential” and other such books at Vroman’s bookstore in Pasadena. Rolfe apologized for not including Ellroy in his book “Literary L.A.,” but promised if he ever does another edition, Ellroy will make the cut.