Some Years Back, Honey Encountered Some Bulgarian Communists

Hits: 179
May 31, 2010 · Posted in Notes from Above Ground · Comments Off on Some Years Back, Honey Encountered Some Bulgarian Communists 


By Honey van Blossom

One evening, I walked on the pedestrian path on the west side of Silver Lake. Several tall eucalyptus and conifers grew inside the fence. The reflections of streetlights on the other side of the lake looked like white and yellow poles in the almost black water.

A slender young man had his feet in the fence links and reached toward its top. A young woman stood on the path near him.

“There’s barbed wire on top,” I said to the man. “You can’t get over the fence.”

“I don’t want to get over the fence,” he said. “I want to be able to see the moon on the water without interference.” Read more

Lorraine Belcher Chamberlain, Frank Zappa’s First Girlfriend, Reviews “Being Frank”

Hits: 1347
May 1, 2010 · Posted in Miscellany · Comments Off on Lorraine Belcher Chamberlain, Frank Zappa’s First Girlfriend, Reviews “Being Frank” 

Here is a review of Nigey Lennon’s book“Being Frank: My Time with Frank Zappa” by Lorraine Belcher Chamberlain, who was famously close to Frank Zappa. It appears on Punk Globe:


I am the girl who was living with Frank Zappa when we were arrested for pornography and suspected sex perversion. I was 19. This is hardly anything a person would willingly list on their resume, but since I continued to have a relationship with Frank until the year before his death it gives me a unique perspective from which to write a few words about Nigey Lennon’s book, “Being Frank-My Time With Frank Zappa” which is now an e-book available on and Scribd. Since I had read it over two months ago, I took it along with me to re-read this week on a trip downtown. Sitting quietly on the subway I noticed the woman across from me glaring and rolling her eyes. Frank provoked outrage most of his life, but it seems the author’s photo of herself sitting on a toilet on the back of the book (an obvious homage to Frank’s own Potty Poster) follows in that tradition. Read more